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After the Funeral
(a continuation of "To the Beast of Oppression")
past the point of no return.
What now?
After I'm released from my cold, biting chains
Released into the world
Like a little bird that fell from its nest
Unprepared to fly
That soon will be snatched up and devoured
By hungry predators
Or die in the cold reality of modern life
I wish only to be with my love, live happily
A small apartment, room for rent
With a pencil and a piece of clean paper
A job that pays well enough to live on
Someone to share my bed with, who loves me back
And cares
Far from the cold
Lofty and cushioned with love
I don't ask for much
It seems I cannot leave
This cage of iron and biting crystals
Piercing, invading light
For outside my prison
I cannot survive
I have no hope
Without this oppression
Without this beast resting its head on my shoulder
Peering into my secret life
For they feed me, sustain me, keep me from the cold
And, since the chick is still immature
Too young yet to fly
I pray for feathers to adorn my naked wings
And hope that when I'm ready,
I'll survive.
Page 5
In all things, Unreason
the pursuit of happiness.
the pursuit of happiness.
happiness is expendable.
happiness... unreasonable.
happiness is a waste of time.
why be happy when we could be making money
money won't buy happiness because we don't need happiness
we need to make more money.
creativity is useless and stupid and it doesn't make money.
god hates creativity
and godÂ
fiction is useless and it doesn't please god.
it's all perfectly reasonable and sane. everyone who fails is pursuing stupidity.
stupidity is happiness.
intelligence is money.
money is god.
god grants us success.
success is everything
it is the sole of our existence.
so, under these circumstances, insanity is perfectly understandable.