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Poems of Outrage


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Words for my Murderer

Look at you.
Big, scary man with a gun or a knife, the man fate chose for me to meet in this dark alley.
Look at you. Ordering me to obey, else face the bullet or the blade. What if I refuse?
What then, Big, Scary man?
You gonna kill me?
Go on then. Let’s see if you have the balls.
Put that kind bullet into my virgin skull. Thrust that erect blade into my stomach. Spill my tormented blood on the black, refuse-strewn pavement.
Go on, Big Man. Big Scary Boogeyman.
Waste a good fuck. Take the twenty-seven bucks my life was apparently worth and leave me with my blood staining your big scary hands.
Leave me for them to find, and to catch you. Put you away.
Then you can share my relief when they stick that sympathetic needle in your arm.
Meet me in hell.
And maybe I’ll be the one who ends up sodomizing you
with a branding iron.
Because true Hell is irony
and you’re the joke.

Go on.

Take away my misery and forget the cowardly act of rape.
Just do it. Please.

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Page 7


A Longing for Eventide

Summer Dreams of distant Spring
Summer breeze wafting the stench of her death.
Nary then, comes the breath of Autumn, nor Winter
Nothing is left.

All falls prey to the stagnant heat
Then, enrobed in his defeat
the Guilty Sun sinks in false beauty beneath
the boiling, briny water...

Alas, the Moon Child can't come out to play
She must wait in cool shadows alway.
Wait for the Tirant Sun to submit the day
to the pale Orb that mirrors her porcelain skin

Worship, then, your precious Aten Plate!
Idolizing rays of Ra, your precious color to sate!
Beating down false comfort, you feel as warmth
While he scorches your festering skin with rays of hate!

It's true, God gave us such a Gift
The veil of nightly darkness lifts
Once a Giver of life and joy
Now a Hell in Heavens, Man's hand has shift'.