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Random Angry Thoughts
Where has my life taken me in all my short years?
Better yet, where is it taking me?
What worth is the monotony of day to day?
What worth is an individual mind in a uniform reality?
Where we're all "unique", right?
I find myself almost mature,
Though never really mature. You see,
If boredom equals maturity, I want no part of it.
If uniformity equals this adult, business-minded reality
I have to ask myself,
What do I really want?
Do I want to be the so-called "normal"
That doesn't exist,
Never did exist, you see
Never WILL exist
Humanity is much too diverse to ever have a word pasted on it as "normal"
On the inside, at least.
On the outside, were all supposed to be cordial and polite and proper
plastic, just plain fucking inhuman, Damnit.
Wearing these confining, "professional" clothes
To make a "good impression"
Paraded in front of important and rich men
Lying about what a fucking genius I am.
Never say the word "normal" to my face again.
I consider it a swear word.
A blasphemy.
And "professional"
And "mature"
I want no part of it
If I have to live and look a lie, ill quit.
If only I could mirror my inner self through my face, through my attire
Through my attitude towards life
Without these fucking parental restraints
Without bothering about "paying for privileges"
Doing what to me feels right
Speaking my mind, God forbid.
Liking what I like, disliking what I don't
And thinking on my own
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I'm almost a woman, aren't I?
I may not ACT like it
But it's true
I'm not fucking 12
I'm not desperate either
Like if you leave me alone in a room with a male of the same species I'm
not going to rip his clothes off and fuck him, for Christ's sake.
This doesn't mean I'm going to be a nun either.
I won't be irresponsible.
I HAVE learned my lesson.
I don't need to be "spanked".
Trust me, I have learned my lesson.
And you don't have to tell me, I already know
Ill never make it in the real world with "this attitude"
To the Beast of Oppression
Stirring on the inside
Restless, surging
Impatience, frustration
Annoyance, anger
I wish I had a gun
So I could point it to this monster's
Ugly head
And just smile as I pull the trigger.
Relief, release
Is all I beg for
Freedom, flight
Is all I pray for
Life, love
Is all I need
But all I ask of you
Is to let