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Assorted Poetry


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A Note to Tailgaters

I'm glad that you've noticed.
You see I drive slow.
These sky high gas prices
have got me quite low.
But while you're behind me
I thought you should know:
The closer you get
the slower I go.


I wonder what my world
Would mean to the world
Would it be
Silly, probably.
Would my image finally be
Pretty? Would they see the
Inner beauty. without worrying about
My vile exterior?
What does it, do I want?
Shall it remain Unanswered?
What difference does my physical body make
But just physical change?
I wish to use naught but my mind Open it like a book for
Everyone to see.
Know me.
Know how I feel.
What I think.
What I know. What I see.
I wish to read you as well
But you're cryptic
As so I am to you.

Next Page Page 9

Everybody Wants to be a Cat

If I could be, O, if I could be,
I'd prefer to be a cat in a tree.
No one's pet, mistress of none
No troubles to end; they'd not have begun.

Once a month, I'd call me a mate
with many partners, I could sate
my need for pain, my lust for toms
and afterward, procure many noms

from unguarded trashbins, a dumpster buffet
set out for me and my kitty soirée
my delicacy is their "gar-bahj"
free for myself and my entourage.

Kittens cling for a couple weeks,
Then they too take to the streets.
I taught them well, gave motivation
now again savor liberation.

This, right here, this is the life
Free from stress and free from strife
Humanity isn't quite "all that."
Everybody wants to be a cat.

(This one was made up on the spot for a laugh)