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I deposited the bodies one by one out the rear entrance, into the spacious garage. Laurel’s remains I carefully washed and arranged in my meat locker for proper burial at a later time.
There they would have to stay until full dark… or until I had figured out what to with the naked man restrained in my master bathroom.
I had an old-fashioned claw-footed tub attached to the modern plumbing. Using a length of nylon rope and some handcuffs (their use previously for that of pleasure and imprisoning the palatable); I secured his outstretched arms to the legs of the tub beneath him. He lay against a raised slope of waterproof cushion at the back of the tub, looking innocent and gorgeous.
I stood over him, left hand and pistol akimbo, right hand to my delicately pointed chin in consideration. It was actually easier to think during the day, I found. My more feral impulses were dulled and easily ignored.
I was startled from my thoughts when he opened one wet hazel eye. The other lid rose sluggishly, puffed slightly with bruising. I hoped Skullscap had at least inflicted that much damage. He stared at the ceiling for a moment, sniffing a long breath. His gaze darted to the shuttered window, to his bound arms, to his nudity. Then, to me.
“You will answer some questions while you have consciousness.” I made the gun’s presence known. While it was, in fact, loaded; the safety was on and I had no intention of discharging the device unless absolutely necessary. Horrid, primitive things guns are.
“Your name?”
He regarded me with fuzzy bewilderment for a few more moments.
“Why am I tied down?”
“Is that your name?”
He shook his head, still dazed. “Baze. Basil. Why…”
“Basil? Who names their child Basil?”
He gave me a sardonic frown. “My fuckin’ Ma, that’s who. Why the bleeding fuck am I tied to a bathtub? AND WHY AM I NAKED??”
Short-timers, how I cannot stand their incessant impatience.
I squatted next to him, fixing him with a sharp stare. His own eyes widened, seeing for the first time my cat’s irises.
“What you say could very well mean the difference between
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survival and death. Do you doubt me?”
He shook his head, swallowing hard and causing his Adam’s apple to bob.
“Tell me everything you remember after entering my house yesterday evening.”
He took a moment to think, looking away as he did so. His brow furrowed in serious concentration. He looked adorable.
Speaking slowly, his voice trembled the tiniest bit. “I remember coming in the front door… Some skinny guy had a bowl of beans he was handing out. Everyone was supposed to eat one… I tucked mine in my pocket for later. I don’t like to roll in crowds…” A nervous glance to me. “I’m sorry, I know it was part of the instructions you guys sent in the email…”
I waved the gun, dismissing this. “Continue.”
He looked away again, color seeping into his cheeks. “So, I got a beer from the keg in the corner… mingled… set the beer down, lost it. Grooved to the breaks for a bit… Man, there musta been something in that beer because I started losing it. I dunno… maybe it was a contact high? There were guys Cheechin’ it up near me… But pot doesn’t make you black out, you know? At least, not me… And then…”
I remembered that moment with sudden, vivid clarity. I had to concentrate on keeping my eyes to his face… his nether regions seemed to hold a sort of gravity that kept pulling at my gaze. I glanced quickly- discovered he must have been recalling that moment himself. I grabbed a nearby towel, tossing it over his stiffening shame. I did my best to forget its presence.
“Go on.”
He blushed darkly; an irresistible, naughty smirk tugging at the side of his mouth.
“Yeah, then there was this girl… She bumped into me, just as I was starting to feel out of it. I don’t remember her face. I only remember bits and pieces. It’s… it’s all dark. I think… I think we made out. Felt like she gave me a monster of a hickey…”
His head snapped up, suddenly intent. “Wait, is she still here? Is she ok? I think I remember the cops showing up… Geez, what did I do?” His face darkened, brow clenching in sick concern.
“Did I… did I hurt anyone?”
I pursed my lips, unable to answer that. I felt tears stinging the backs of my eyes.
“You don’t remember?”
“No… no, not really… I remember…” he paused, considered, continued. “I remember being randy as hell. Then I remember