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In the Name of Science


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I will log more tomorrow. It's more difficult discerning female provecti from sapiens than it is to discern a male, but I'm sure we'll recruit a fertile specimen soon.

Dr. Avril Farren logged out of her personal notebook, setting it on her nearby desk. She had taken the offered living quarters at the lab, unlike her fellow researchers. She supposed it was because she took her work seriously, and loved nothing more than to spend a long weekend reviewing results. She excelled where her counterparts seemed to lack.

She didn't really maintain a life outside the lab, didn't speak with her family much. She lived for science. She was fascinated with the human genome. Even more fascinated was she with this newly-discovered higher-evolved human given to her to learn from.

She slipped beneath her gray regulation sheets, flipped off the bedside lamp, and stared at the ceiling. One of her walls was thick glass, a wall-window overlooking the recreational pool. One light was always left on in its chlorinated depths, making a slow-moving diamond pattern flow across her smooth ceiling. It was calming. As she drifted off, she watched the luminous shapes twist themselves into double-helixes, breaking down and building up over and over again.

(I would normally add more plot here, but I don't think I'll be continuing this {since none of you really read my work anymore, save Richard}, so I'll jump to the chase.)

Avril awoke to brilliant, blinding light. These weren't the normal vitamin D lights that glared over the pool. These were the giant lights of the main observation chamber. She was lying on a metal table, nude, with an IV in one arm and wired sensors stuck to her head and chest.

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"What... Dr. Ambleside? Jim? What is the meaning of this??" She tried to turn her head, feeling the pull of the sensors as she did. She could see the big window looking in on the main research chamber. "Jim?"

"Lay still, Dr. Farren. We're almost done with preliminary testing. Andrew, put her back under."

"No! You will explain yourselves now!" she shrieked. The assistant in the room with her, a masked figure in white, paused with a syringe inches from the valve in her IV.
"Avril..." the familiar voice spoke inhumanly from speakers attached to the base of the window. "we checked your blood sample again, using new methods... You're a provectus."
"That can't be, check it again."

"Think about it, Avril!" his voice was stern. "When in your life have you discovered you were unable to do something you put your mind to? We've checked your records. Even in high school... you excelled in everything, you had seven extra-curricular activities at the most advanced school in the area. Three scholarships. You know you're exceptional. You just don't know your own potential. Now, we're going to put you into an unconscious state so we may administer the preliminary tests-"
"The hell you are! I'm one of you! I'm not a specimen, damnit! I didn't agree to this!"
"We knew you wouldn't."
She began to feel a tremendous weight on her eyelids and chest. She glanced to see the assistant capping his syringe and walking away. He was clinking metal instruments on a metal tray she couldn't see.
"Go ahead with the extraction. She won't feel it now." Dr. Ambleside directed. The assistant complied.
"Don't do this, Andrew!" she begged weakly. She felt the cold, biting needle pierce her lower middle, searching for her ovary. She did not feel the pain. The darkness seeped in.