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December 24, 2002
I had an inspiration today. I noticed I had artistically matched three gifts in wrapping, so as to look good together. But they also fit the gifts inside color wise, plus they match the recipients. Go figure, I'm an artist. Sometimes it's annoying being so perfectionist.
I got only one present for myself: a blue periwinkle cat- Kadoatie. It's a stuffed toy, of course, but it was so cute I had to get it to put on my dresser. Its adorable face and shape inspire me, so there lays another excuse for impulse-buying.
Of all the last-minute hectic shopping we had done, the majority had been in a bookstore rather than at the mall. Is that amusing? I find a book a much more worthy present than little else. It may just be me and a handful of other bookworm/nerds, but to me a book is a precious thing. I hold them gingerly for they hold whole worlds inside. If I drop a book, I almost feel as if I've hurt it. And receiving a novel as a gift gains the gift-giver a whole new respect from me.
I was delighted to find among the gifts I received that night a letter-opener in the shape of the legendary sword- the Green Destiny. My brother Matt, home for the holidays from his army base, knew how much I had loved the movieĀ Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and had found the miniature duplicate perfect for me. He also gave me a keychain in the shape of an angel and a gift certificate for a clay craft store. I received several other things from the rest of my family, but there came a strange coincidence. I bought a journal for Matt- a nice small black one with a magnetic flap to protect the pages and the shufa symbol for peace on the cover. I thought it a perfect gift, being that I would have liked it myself and my brother and I think very much alike. However, it seems that my mother and I have more like minds, for she gave me the exact same one! Now my brother and I have matching journals. Now that's a strange coincidence.
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Of all the gifts I received, one I had asked for most was a new sketchbook. I got one, of course, but it was so wonderful to get it even if I was expecting it. I think the most wonderful present you can give is a blank book, whether it is a journal or a sketchbook or just a notebook for personal thoughts, poetry, and inspiration. I was so lucky to get both of the presents I really wanted. Do you find it strange that a teenage girl would rather have a couple of books for Christmas than some new clothes? Well, I'm afraid that's just who I am. Self expression is what I love most in this world, even though it is a hard task to interpret my mind so normal people (like you) can understand.
I went to bed that night feeling fulfilled and excited and drained and well into the rosy Christmas spirit. I looked up at my small periwinkle kitty, then positioned on her special perch on the edge of my dresser mirror. Then I turned on the light again, found a decent pencil, opened my new, clean journal, and began to write.