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Huge, tusk-like fangs sprouted from his elongating mouth/muzzle. Mice around him sent up startled shrieks, and the one oddball “Woah… trippy…”
This one unfortunate soul was the first to die. The beast spun, pounced on him mid-transformation, rending esophagus from trachea. I watched him feed, his dark shirt tearing down the back.
This, of course, caused panic among the mice. The beast raised his feline head, eyes large and alert. His ears, now atop his great head, ended in points of sharp fur and flicked uneasily. In the shifting light, I saw the delicate pattern of black and brown that now tattooed his broad back. His tail flicked free of the tattered remains of his jeans and boxers. He leapt after another fleeing rodent, breaking its neck with one powerful paw.
The DJ had fled, leaving his equipment to play the same loop of mindless percussion indefinitely.
I could not move. I could not flee. I tried to move my legs, and collapsed instead to my knees. The other Children were likewise frozen to the spot. Chamomile sighed in reverence.
“Son of Bast… he is real… The son of Reanddemal… Son of the Moon…”
She had begun to walk to the feeding thing, seemingly in a trance. Columbine held her back.
Laurel and Skullscap were more alert to the situation. The limp body of the little witch bitch Skull had claimed draped one of his broad shoulders. He tossed it aside angrily.
“Bee-kausse ohv gottess-damm’t MONGRRRELL, I h-chad to kill prey EARRRLLY. I am NOT PLEAS’T.”
Laurel cracked his knuckles grimly. “Can’t let him take any more stragglers. Col, Cham, quickly! Seal off the exits! We’ll keep as many mice as we can. Skull, keep an eye on ‘im.” with that, he sprinted after an escaping partygoer.
Col rushed off to do as bid, but Cham was transfixed. She clasped her little hands under her chin and stepped ever closer to the beast. I tried to call out in warning, but my voice was choked, still, by his rich blood.
“Pretty… pretty kitty… be still…” She reached out to him,
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smiling benevolently. He laid his ears to his skull, looked up at her from his kill growling deeply, and the gore slaking his muzzle bubbled. The great doors slammed shut, startling the beast. Chamomile didn’t even feel the absence of her arm, at first. Then her smile trembled, wobbled. Skull yanked her back, tucking her under one beefy bicep.
“Gottess-damm’t eeetiot. I h-chope it hurrts.” He tossed the bleeding Child, much like he had tossed the corpse, and turned to regard the great cat.
His tail had bristled, his hackles raised. The beast spat out Cham’s arm in distaste, stretching massive forelegs to defend his kill. Skull hissed dryly at him. The beast rumbled a loud snarl in response.
Col sprinted back, a mouse about his shoulders. This he dropped abruptly, seeing his beloved clutching a bloody socket where once hinged her dominant arm.
“Stay back, Col!” Laurel shouted, snapping the neck of another victim. “Let Skull deal with it! Take Cham upstairs, then get your ass back down here.”
He again did as he was told. I heard Cham sob as they passed me. “I… I just wanted… to… >sob< pet... the pretty >sob< kitty…”
Skull’s claws flexed in and out of their sheaths. He crouched, slinking around the left side of the beast. The great cat followed him with his eyes, great wedge-shaped head turning to mark him. While he was distracted, Laurel made the mistake of pouncing from behind. A great paw shot out, batting him from the air and pinning him to cold stone. The beast's gaze never left Skull’s. Laurel coughed dark blood, clawing at his confinement.
“P… please…” I croaked. I saw one of his sharp ears swivel toward me. Skull leapt, seizing the cat’s head in the circle of his arms, holding the jaws shut. The beast lifted his paw from Laurel and tried to shake off the offending Skullscap. Laurel managed to roll onto his stomach and begin a slow crawl from his assailant.
Great paws batted mercilessly at Skull, but he had dug in deep with his claws, and would not be thrown. He timed his movements, and managed to swing himself onto the neck of the beast. Here, he seized his nape. The beast roared hot rage… but he was immobilized.