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Chapter XV
...if you choose to stay on as a scholar. Fred composed himself enough to finish the sentence, and sat back on his haunches for a moment. He sighed a great breath, summoning courage from the ceiling. Then, he continued.
If you choose to leave this place, I will follow you to the ends of Avarae and beyond, into the ether itself if you'll have me. I believe there is a remedy for my physical handicap somewhere beyond these walls. I implore you to help me find it.
Or I implore you to forgive my absence.
Some student had brought wine to the fireside, and was passing the bottle liberally. Saure soon became vexed with their loud cavorting, and closed the book she was reading forcefully to fix them with a dire angry stare.
Sig met her angered violet gaze with his cheerful blue, and snatched the bottle. He rose and trotted to her, smiling sunnily. "To warm your cockles, m'lady!" he thrust the bottle at her, grinning. "Warm my what?" "Cockles! You know- oh, just have a swig, will ye? Don't embarrass me in front of me mates..." he held it out to her pleadingly. "How would my refusal..." she raised her eyebrows, then rolled her eyes and sighed, taking the bottle.
Wine in Avarae isn't quite what it is in our realm. It comes from far different fruit, and the fruit itself is sometimes intoxicating even on the vine. After fermentation, it does gain strength, and becomes much more potent alcohol. Not all Avarian wines are thus, but you can guess the students were merrymaking with the former. Sig was tipsy to say the least |
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when he had delivered the bottle to Saure. After a few swigs, she was somewhat tipsy herself. She joined them by the fire and removed her scarf and gloves. Sig sat next to her on the hearthstone, edging ever nearer to her as the conversation waned.
"No, it can't be done that way because of pressure..." countered a fourth year metal blood to the young man beside him, swaying slightly on his stool.
"No, no Axel, you should just stop now because you sound like a complete idiot." slurred the waterweaver next to him. "It's light! Brightness! Pressure, please, like you’re an aquamancer."
"Dreid, if I were a complete idiot, I wouldn't be having a debate over advanced magic."
"And you really shouldn't."
"Boys," Saure broke in, giggling a little with intoxication. "Let's not quarrel at this late hour. Tomorrow may be a holiday, but let us not fight so in a place of civil learning."
"Right... it is rather late." Dreid stretched and yawned, and Axel was nodding off.
"To bed with us, good friend."
"Not the same bed, I pray..." Axel mumbled.
"Nay, not the same bed. You lack the chest apples to be my type."
"Dreid! Really, a lady is in your presence!" Saure laughed.
"And you're more my type." he winked at her, slinging his friend's arm over his shoulders and they both staggered off, leaving Sig and the girl alone by the fire.
"Our fellows have left us to finish the wine, I fear." he said, scooting closer to her and craftily slipping an arm around her waist. He handed her the bottle before she could protest, and she drank.
"This is nice... I've never been alone with... with someone like this." her eyes shone, reflecting the dancing fire. She idly outstretched a hand and made the flames take form, creating dancing patterns within it. She changed its color to a deep shade of scarlet with the flick of her wrist. Sig gazed upon her in the new light, and sighed. He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. She was at first too startled to react, then drew away, confused and swaying.