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proper employment or to start a proper business. If they are deemed yet unworthy of their desired career, they are inducted into the student body to learn the required skills and knowledge.
We will witness, however, the extent of her misjudgment.
"Saure, what business have you here?" Fred asked in a tired voice.
"I have wanted to go to university since I learned about them. This is my chance, Fred. I'll finally make something of myself."
"I don't think you know what it is they do here."
"Hush, now. Won't be seen speaking to a cat." She entered the large, open doors, marveling at the height of the arched ceiling within.
There was a long line of hopefuls leading up to a long marble table. Four tall-hatted Unipherums- bookkeepers of the University- were writing furiously with long yellow quills on what seemed to be endless scrolls. They continuously called, queried, and dismissed one person after another with indifferent haste. This is the extent of what she could see from her place in line. She also noted that she was no longer at the back of this line; four others stood behind her.
"Nice cat." a boy maybe three years her senior commented behind her. She looked at him, absently smoothing Fred's ears as she did so. "Thank you. His name is Fred."
The boy smiled wanly, apparently having made his only contribution to that brief exchange. He directed his attention again to the distant marble table.
Saure turned back and sighed to herself. City folken were impersonal and curt. She decided to revert to her favorite pastime, opening her gunna and reaching for the Manifesto. She gasped as small claws sunk into her collarbone.
"Dare you not pull out that book in public. Not here. Read one of your other tomes, mayhap, but not that one."
Saure had ignored his judgment before, and had not
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forgotten the circumstances. Thus, she closed her gunna and rifled instead through the saddlebags on her arm. She pulled out a book on modern potion making and immersed herself.
Those among us who consider themselves fellow bibliophiles will understand the need for a book on one's person at all times. You never know when you will be subjected to a long wait with nothing to occupy yourself. You might also know by now how to walk and read simultaneously, using your peripheral vision to navigate. Saure was master at this exercise, and needed not a glance in any direction. Fred simply laid his head on her shoulder and dropped off into a doze, one ear cocked aloft. The book shed light on techniques she hadn't thought of, and had not been taught- but little of it surprised her.
"Enchanting the herbs afore infusion adds effectiveness (or affectiveness, depending on the potion). One simply runs one's fingers through the herb(s), chanting the desired spell and strongly visualizing one's need. There are indeed focusing herbs, talismans, or oils one can use to heighten one's magical potency during this process, and also during the infusion. Water from a fresh spring is preferred, but rainwater is acceptable…"
"Name." the old woman in her strange, tall, domed Unipherum hat said in a flat tone. It was not a query, really. More like a statement directed at Saure as she was next in line.
"Hm? Oh! Saure Fira, Western Noran Ki-"
Saure frowned at the woman, tucking her tome away. "Flora, fauna, fire."
"In that order?"
"I'm not entirely sure, but I believe-"
"Through the green doors to the left, please. Next in line."
Saure was bustled from the line by the boy behind her. She heard him introduce himself as Sig Witnam before reaching the green doors and letting herself in.
Within she found herself in a sort of hallway, or antechamber