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Food in Nora was some of the best the land had to offer. Resources were plentiful and always fresh, especially the greens. Saure was served thin slices of slow-cooked deermeat in gravy, with a freshly-baked butterbun and a helping of a cooked blue herb which has the texture and flavor of spinach in our realm. She dined with relish, trying to savor everything, but wolfed it all down anyway. Washing everything down with the chilled mead was heaven. She surmised that the mug was enchanted with an ice spell, and wondered if she might procure such a thing for herself in the following day.
Fred dined lavishly on the bones, gristle and thick meat scraps of the deer that had been slaughtered mere hours from his suppertime. The water was fresh and clean and tepid, just how he liked it. He took his time cracking open bones and picking out the marrow daintily with a long claw. It was one of the nicest suppers he'd had since leaving the kirnlands.
Three hours later (because you well know time limits can never adhere to a good supper), Saure called to him with faunspeak (that is the name of the spell she used to communicate). Fred loosened his tether from the door to his stall and leapt effortlessly into the rafters. The metal loop at the end of his makeshift lead clinked noisily against wood, so he gathered the tiresome thing into his mouth. He crept thus to where stable met stone building, and dropped silently into a corridor. He slunk, unnoticed, up the cold steps to the second-level hallway. Saure had sent an image of the room's location to him, so it was easy for him to find the right door and nose it open. He pawed it shut behind him and sauntered into the dim candlelight. Saure was dressed in her nightgown, and laid reading (as usual) in the room's single bed.
"You weren't seen?" she asked without looking up.
"By me, it's like you don't know me at all!" he scoffed. He clawed at his collar, loosening it and letting it drop to the
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floorboards. The bed was a high one, in fact had three small wooden steps up to it, but Fred didn't even have to leap to get onto it. Merely stepped up, as it was just at his chest height.
He paused, glimpsing the smallest patch of Saure's thigh, as her nightgown was carelessly draping her and revealed more than the usual amount of skin. He looked away, clearing his throat and quickly laying down with his back to her.
Saure looked over at him, then closed her book and wrapped it tenderly. She set it on the nightstand and blew out the candle. Then, to Fred's surprise, she climbed over his side and snuggled against his soft stomach. Again, if cats could blush…
"Thank you, Fred." She whispered into his chest.
"For what, sweetling?" he tried not to let his voice betray him.
"For being the voice of reason. And for keeping me such wonderful company."
She scooted up the bed and kissed him on his cool, damp nose. Fred grinned, unseen in the darkened room. He draped a foreleg around her middle and held her close as they drifted off to contented slumber.