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what she wished, but books always took precedence over clothes, sweets, or curios. She had the freedom this time to get whatever she wished.
Fred brought her back down from the clouds, reminding her that they needed specific supplies for their journey ahead (wherever it lead to). Chiefly, a map, glass vials for potionry, suitable protective wear, food, more jugs for water… Saure slumped in her seat, setting her book aside and resting her chin in both hands in dismay. They hadn't even breached the walls and Fred had managed to return to his position as Head Killjoy yet again.
Still, even this didn't dampen her spirits entirely as they neared the cobbled path that led to the great gates of Nora.
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Chapter X
Nora is a very well-constructed city, protected by very tall, thick, gray brick walls. The castle proper is a massive structure, with many towers, ramparts and shining domes visible from any part of the city. The streets are paved with gray and green cobbles, and there are usually many carts, kiosks, and benches about. Peddlers and merchants sell just about everything imaginable from their respectable shops and stands. Unfortunately, pick-pocketing is rampant in these crowded streets, and market-goers usually keep their money in a pouch around their neck, so as not to tempt evil. Many keep dried magical herbs in their coinpurses that act as defense mechanisms and booby traps to the unlucky thief that would try to lift them.
In fact, Nora's natives hold flora very dear. They realized that there is an herb for almost anything, and those blessed with the element of flora never want for work within those great walls. The queen herself was a greenhand, and she was always in one fabulous royal garden or another. Any who wishes is allowed to roam the many gardens, and admire the rare and exotic plants that there grow. The Royal Nursery sells many different plants that one couldn't find just anywhere. Many are mixed-breeds (hybrids, as we know the term) that bear many different results depending on how you use them. There are many methods for contracting magic from herbs (apart from drying, burning and infusing), but we'll have to expound on that at a later time.
Saure picked up the reins as they neared the cobble path that led to the city gates. Fred took this opportunity to sneak back behind the canvas veil in the cart. As I have said, Nora is very much run by man, and men are not very familiar with the gift of fauna. Animal husbandry, yes. Animal communication… that would take some imagination on their part.