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"It is absolutely necessary to rest between large spells. Not only do you summon energy from around you, but you use some of your own power as well. If you drain yourself too heavily, you could slip into endless slumber. That is to say, your body will continue breathing but your soul will vacate.
"This is especially true for ether spells. However, if one's soul vacates in this instance, there is a great possibility another soul will enter. Not often a good or kind soul.
"It is rumored that dark world-bound souls will gather around dark ether masters. Ether masters can drain one of one's power, causing the victim's soul to vacate. Some believe this practice necromancy, but it is not. It is only scheduled and indefinite possession. An ether master cannot force a soul to do anything. No one can. The soul enters the body of its own volition.
"While I will not be the one responsible for anyone to learn these dark techniques, I feel obligated to warn you of their existence. I will write more of this later. As I have already said, the steps toward magical knowledge must be taken in some order."
As it was three days' journey to Nora, and they were only on their second sunrise, they happened upon a small forest clearing village. The folken that made up this village were a hybrid of human and elf. I could go into a detailed history of their race, but those times are far gone now. Elves had ceased their prejudice of the half-breeds by now, just so long as none of them came crawling back to the high kingdom to try to claim some heritage benefits. These folken were peaceful and intelligent, like their elf sides. And they were hard-working and somewhat competitive, like their man sides.
The travelers paused for refreshment, and to see about selling a few potions while they were at it. The local tavern and inn was a cozy one, and many magical folken resided here from time to time. This is why no one gave a second glance to the large Puma that followed the cross-dressed girl into the little tavern.
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"My, what a lovely familiar you have there, mum!" The lady of the inn remarked as the two sat (Saure on a bench, Fred simply on the dusty floor) at a long table. The slant-eared woman brought a mug and a bowl of fresh spring water, and a loaf of bread. Saure was pleased to find the bread was still hot on the inside, and delectably fluffy. It melted in her mouth with a creamy aftertaste.
"You won't find better baking outside a half-elven bakery." Fred said between mouthfuls. Saure nodded enthusiastically.
The lady of the inn had suggested they set up their small shop right there in the tavern, as that's where the most foot traffic occurred, especially in the morning hours. Surely, one by one, the groggy travelers came down to breakfast and have a chat. Some gathered in a loose little circle around Saure's wears and bought a potion or two apiece. Saure was nervous about selling wears all on her own, but with Fred's helpful hints, she managed to make quite a decent sum for what she was selling. She remembered her parents selling potions for half as much in Nora, but not everyone in this mixed group was going thence.
Saure had never seen such an odd variety of folken. Some were, predictably, half-breeds like the rest of the village folken, but many were olive-skinned and bald, as those fabled dwellers of the orient. She saw men of all different hair colors, and made a little game out of trying to guess their elements. One thin man had stark white hair, but he was still apparently young. She asked him about this, unable to veil her less-than-polite curiosity.
"Oh, I'm a windweaver. Air in me veins." He flashed a winning smile and winked, tossing her a thick silver coin and picking up a plum-colored bottle of loveseed potion. Saure colored a little, looking away and twirling a lock of bright hair around a finger. Fred thumped his tail and rumbled the lowest, quietest growl. "Air in his head, more like… and air in the veins causes embolisms… idiot…"
The business was so very good here that she ended up selling all her potions, and had to run out to the cart to find